For those of you lovely people who follow my Emmett Page I would like to apologise for not keeping up with my blog stories about my experiences with Emmett of late. I have still been having the amazing experiences but the passion for writing about it received quite a painful blow recently. I am finally ready to write about it :)
I was called to the hospital by a lovely Grandmother on the 11th of March this year to assist her gorgeous little grandson. His little foot was stuck up on his shin and she was hoping I might come in and have a look. I went into the hospital, I used one emmett move and this tiny, tiny babies foot dropped down into the position it was meant to be in. This moment was like inspiration sensational and incredible multiplied by infinity for me. The buzz of that moment didn’t wear off and still actually hasn’t.
This tiny little baby showed me the greatness of the Emmett Technique. After treating him I felt like my eyes were wide open and I could see the kind of life I was going to have being able to assist people for the rest of my life doing what I was able to do.
I walked away from the hospital and all I wanted to do was write and blog. I wanted to inspire people to learn the Emmett Technique. I wanted to help people imagine how rewarding it is to assist peoples pain. I wanted to inspire those who were in pain to go and get a treatment from an Emmett Therapist. This little baby moment filled me with a passion that was a roaring flame & I loved it.
I was blessed to see this beautiful boy quite often after he came out of hospital, his eyes would light up when he saw me and I fell head over heels for the little fella. We had a bond, holding him and loving him was the icing on the cake after what he had already given me. Almost every time I saw him I had that passion to write, express and share Emmett.
My little angel passed away in his sleep one night at about 2 1/2 months old. He wasn’t sick it was a SIDS case. :’( I have heard of other babies passing away in their sleep, parents losing their children but I have never experienced the loss so personally before until him. WOW!! Nothing really prepares you for the blow at all, it is nothing like I have ever imagined. I have a whole new respect for those parent/families/friends that have gone through this. I lost my little passion flame that I loved and it was awful.
I stopped having my free pregnant mum and baby clinics to try and save myself from falling in love again. I stopped writing, expressing and stepped back and squashed my feelings down deep inside.
I was blessed with a visit from his Mum and Grandma recently and they bought me in the hugest picture of him. They were so brave and loving and were there to see me, for me. The world is a crazy lovely place. When they left, I figured if his own mum could not only pick herself up, but help me so easily too I needed to get back out there again and see if I could too.
There is a clinic called Mareeba Natural Therapies owned by good friend of mine Charley Taylor, who I believe is one of the kindest humans on earth. I called him and asked if I could come and help him in his Free Pregnant Mothers and Baby Clinic he runs every Thursday morning. I went up last Thursday and I can’t tell you how nice it was to remembered how wonderful it is to make babies and their mums feel good again.
The best thing that happened was that seeing all those babies in the clinic smiling helped me remember my little angel smiling and happy & I can now feel how much I love him without the breath leaving me. The other thing that happened is that I want to write and blog again, phew!!!!!! So look out, I am back!!!! I will be helping you all see that you all need to be Emmett therapists and if you don’t want to be an Emmett Therapists you need to be seeing one and feeling wonderful, lol.
Thanks for Reading